Acne Scar Natural Treatment Options ~ Acne Treatments That Work

December 12, 2006

Acne Scar Natural Treatment Options

Acne scars is a result of an inflamation or a sign of problematic healing. Acne scars are influenced by skin color. With some effort you can prevent acne scar and natural treatment options are available that significiantly improves their appearance.

Everything that looks like an acne scar is not so. There are other kind of spots like scars that is a permanent change in skin.

Acne scars are visible on face and they usually cause embarrasment.

Scar is a sign of injury to the skin. In acne disease, this injury is the reaction of the body (as an inflammatory) to acne bacteria, sebum and dead skin cells in the plugged follicle.

The best way to to treat acne scar is natural treatmen products which are no drug or chemical. But remember that the best one to prevent acne scars is treating acne in early stages.

Scar natural treatment improves the overall appearance of skin. The skin with acne scars will never look the way it looked before, you will have a more acceptable appearance.

Although there are plastic surgery options for the treatment, we recommend natural treatment for acne scars. Because the surgery will be pricey and it may require repeated treatments if acne is recurring.

Now let us list some acne scar natural treatments that you can try at home. Rosehip seed oil reduces the bad appearance of acne scars greatly. You can find it in heathy food-stores. Massage your scars two times/day without rubbing.

Lavender oil also helps improve the appearance of skin with acne scars when used regularly (smooth massage). Aloe Vera has positive effects on prevention of scars, when applied after a cut/burn.

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